Thursday, May 13, 2010


"It is not for you to know times or dates that the Father has decided by his own authority"

This is a smack right in my face when I attended mass just now , i was being so human when I ask him of dates and time for events which would and have taken place in my life. HE just "gave it to me" - big time man. This really set me thinking throughout the mass - of coz not really paying much attention to the homily. I thought about my life i have always been asking asking and demanding. But how many times have I been an instrument to him. I remember Sr Angeline mentioned that when you say, "LORD USE ME AS YOUR INSTRUMENT" We are saying, take my whole being and not "GOD YOU CAN TAKE MY HANDS (or legs), ONLY" - NO but rather the whole being of us. Letting the Holy Spirit work within us. It set me thinking together with the lesson on Servant Leader that I learnt from cat class last week. This is something which TOL will have to work towards, in Theater and also LIFE. Letting the Holy Spirit be the one who is acting for the people and us as the instruments.

"you will be my witnesses not only in Jerusalem but throughout Judaea and Samaria, and indeed to earth's remotest end"
The Disciples task by Jesus to be his witnesses - So are we as a Community of TOL
Have we in any part of our lives, witness to Jesus' Life, Death & Resurrection? We are not only a drama group but Rather a Christ -centered drama group and bringing Christ Love to others is definitely an element to others. We are also call to be witnesses for Christ and Testify.
In the coming week let us take time off to think of how have we been a witness for Christ.


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